Thank You
Thank you for partnering with Joshua Bulger Ministries! Whether it be through finances and/or prayer, we are so blessed that you have decided to support our vision of reaching the nations.
For we are God’s fellow workers [His servants working together]; you are God’s cultivated field [His garden, His vineyard], God’s building.
1 Corinthians 3:9
Together, His work is done! Lives are changed! We promise to pray for you daily, believing all you sow is returned in abundance, and every seed is used for the Glory of God and the furthering of His Kingdom.
Give a monthly amount
or a one time donation
What Does Your Giving Accomplish?
Through your giving to JBM, we are able to share the Gospel to the world.
Through guest speaking, missions, events, media (online events, Kingdom Concepts episodes, etc.), and so much more, the Word is being shared all over!
Your seed is immediately given an assignment!